Secretary's Desk

Bal Krishan ChamoliAyurveda – the knowledge of life, is transmitted from Guru to Shishya initially orally and later through compositions and compilations by intelligent Shishyas. All studying Ayurveda know this fact that most of theancient texts are compilation of observations of thousands of years and time tested experiences. Discussions held in the form of conferences and question answer sessions on various topics and inferences drawn over them are also mentioned in seminars.

We need to learn a lot from these texts, not only with relation to subject matter but also for improving the existing knowledgethrough interaction with learned, intelligent and inquisitive scholars. Ayurveda concepts, though developed centuries ago, stand true even today.Ayurveda invented plastic surgery. For the explanation and progress of Ayurveda, proper understanding is very essential. Science progresses in a democratic atmosphere and errors do creep in any work that we do and require correction to move further in the right direction.

I am sure that HAMC&H (Himalayiya Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital) will facilitate scientific understanding of Ayurveda and promote scientific temperament and motivate the scholars for rediscoveries that benefit the society.

  • Bal Krishan Chamoli
  • Secretary
  • Age: 43 Yrs.
  • Qualification: Post Graduate (Mass Communication)
  • Phone No.: 9639699997
  • College Office No.: 9412052886
  • Complete Address: 22/7 Krishna Vihar, Smith Nagar, Prem Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand